Sydney Sweeney is About to Fix Edgar Allan Poe’s Weirdest Short Story

If there’s two great artists that need to collaborate, it’s clearly Sydney Sweeney and the undead spirit of Edgar Allan Poe. And, as of now, it sounds like this dream team will indeed and in fact happen, thanks to a new film in development from studios A24 and Picturestart. According to an exclusive report from Deadline, Sweeney … Read more

Amazon to Open Hundreds of Physical Bookstores Across the United States

Amazon’s University Village bookstore in Seattle won’t be a one-off after all. After opening the location back in November of last year, Amazon now plans to open hundreds of additional bookstores across the United States. As reported by CNBC, the news comes from a mall CEO who revealed to Dow Jones that the stores will … Read more

How Over a Million American Families Live on $2 Per Day

In early 2011, 1.5 million American households, including 3 million children, were living on less than $2 in cash per person per day. Half of those households didn’t have access to in-kind benefits like food stamps, either. Worst of all, the numbers had increased dramatically since 1996. Those are the astonishing findings Johns Hopkins’ Kathryn … Read more

Philly Comics Shop Locust Moon Inks Museum Publishing Deal

Fast becoming known for its publishing program, the Philadelphia comics retailer Locust Moon has inked an innovative deal with the Philadelphia Museum of Art to produce a comics anthology based on the museum’s upcoming exhibition, Wrath of the Gods: Masterpieces by Rubens, Michaelangelo and Titian. The book, Prometheus Eternal, features stories based on Rubens’s 17th … Read more

A Collection of Creepy Vintage Krampus Christmas Postcards

The 2004 book Devil in Design by Monte Beauchamp (previously) of BLAB! features a beautiful collection of creepy vintage Krampus Christmas postcards. The book, published by Fantagraphics Books, includes interesting snippets of the history of postcards and Krampus. While it’s currently out of print, used copies are available through Amazon or those interested can pick … Read more