Taco Tuesday: The Taco Cleanse Is Total Bullsh*t, But You Should Try It Anyway

Let me be real with you from the first sentence: The Taco cleanse –that’s the one where all you do is eat tacos–will not change your life. It won’t solve all your problems. And not even Jennifer Aniston — who recently admitted that she’d “heard of” the cleanse — will get me to admit otherwise. Forget everything else … Read more

Dietitians, Nutritionists, and Psychologists Have Ranked the Best Diets of 2016

Not all diets are created equal, and no one knows that more than US News & World Report, which, on Tuesday, released a ranking of the best diets for 2016. Some of the diets are designed to help you lose weight, while others focus on lowering blood pressure, improving heart health, and even bettering your chances of conceiving. But … Read more

Diet App Claims To Help You Watch Your Weight By Scanning The Molecules In Your Food

It’s a new year, and you know what that means: new diet plans — or at least, you might be promising yourself to stick to a new diet plan. But it isn’t easy, which you know if you’ve ever sat staring longingly at the last piece of cheese on the plate, wondering whether it will … Read more

Here’s What Scientists Agree On About Eating Fat

Media coverage of dietary fat has been confusing and contradictory over the years, as seen over the years on Time magazine covers. Back in the 1960s, the magazine suggested that everyone should lower their total fat intake, which turned out to be bad advice. (Many of the replacements for fat — mainly refined carbohydrates — were … Read more

The Evolution of Exercise: What Kind of Fitness is Best?

Over the decades, fitness regimens have had their fads and discoveries. One of the latest controversies over fitness however is Evolutionary Fitness. Evolutionary Fitness calls into question our paleolithic ancestors and the way our first homo sapiens cousins exercised on a daily basis. Trends that have manifested out of these analyses include barefoot running (and … Read more