VetiGel, A Plant-Based Gel That Can Stop Bleeding in 20 Seconds When Applied to a Wound

VetiGel is a gel created by Brooklyn-based biotech startup Suneris that is made from plant-based polymers that are able to stop bleeding in 20 seconds when applied to a wound, working in congress with the human body’s natural healing processes. Bloomberg interviewed Suneris CEO/NYU student Joe Landolina about the product, which is still in the … Read more

Surgeons Just Performed the First Uterus Transplant in the U.S.

During a 9-hour surgery performed by Cleveland Clinic transplant and gynecological surgeons on Feb. 24, a 26-year-old woman received the first uterus transplant in the United States. The womb came from a deceased organ donor. This procedure marks an important milestone for fertility medicine and could help women born without a uterus or those who … Read more

Medicinal Chocolate Is Here, Thanks To The Coca Leaf!

We’ve all heard about the health benefits of dark chocolate. The antioxidants in the cacao, lower blood pressure, etcetera, etcetera. The problem is, cacao on its own is… not so tasty. (If you doubt us on this, just go to your pantry and see what happens when you eat a piece of baker’s chocolate or … Read more