The Eagles Have Brought Tim Tebow Back To The NFL; Where Has He Been?

There’s no avoiding it now: Tim Tebow is back in the NFL. He’s expected to sign a contract for Chip Kelly’s Experimental Football Project, formerly known as the Philadelphia Eagles, today. To some, it feels like just yesterday that Tebow was released by the Patriots after two magical months in Bill Belichick’s training camp. To … Read more

It’s 4/20, So Of Course NFL Drug Testing Starts Today

Around the country, the unofficial marijuana holiday known as 4/20 is being celebrated today. Thousands of people friendly with this dangerous drug will celebrate by smoking (or eating, or what have you) weed. Except for NFL players, that is. That’s right, the window for the NFL’s offseason drug testing program opens today, which means that … Read more

On Tax Day, Should We Ask Why The NFL And NCAA Don’t Pay Taxes?

Today is April 15, but it’s not just a number on the calendar. Guess what else happens today! If you guessed National Glazed Spiral Ham Day, you’re technically correct, but also very strange. No, it’s Tax Day, the day where thousands of young Americans open up Twitter in the morning and say, “Oh crap, I … Read more