Netflix Virtual Reality App Now Available, Hulu & More Streaming Apps Coming Soon

At yesteday’s Oculus Connect 2 event, the virtual reality company announced that customers will soon be able to enjoy their favorite streaming apps in VR, beginning today with Netflix. Applications for Hulu, Vimeo and Twitch will also be arriving soon, in addition to other big-name companies in the future. Viewers will be able to transport themselves to various settings … Read more

Marriott Wants You to Take a Virtual Reality Vacation in its Hotel Rooms

You’ve just checked into your hotel after an all-day marathon of running across airports to avoid missing connections; eaten a ton of crappy, overpriced airport food because you missed a connection; are dead tired and just want to go to sleep. But maybe after your travel nap you want to see something new without putting … Read more

Samsung’s Galaxy S6 to Have Wraparound Screen

Taking a page from the Samsung Note Edge (pictured above), the upcoming device in Samsung‘s Galaxy Series is reported to also include a curved screen. The Korean company seems to believe that curved screen technology is the way to combat its sliding mobile sales figures, so it’s offering the Galaxy S6 with a 5.1 inch screen that curves on … Read more