View-Master Introduces Children to Virtual Reality With Space and Wild Animals

Mattel wants to make virtual reality kid-friendly. The company’s been trying to bring its toys into the digital age for the last year or so. Barbie received a speech-recognition makeover; a plush Smart Toy learned how to talk; and earlier this year, the toymaker announced it would leverage Google’s Cardboard technology to revamp its iconic … Read more

Animal Chanukah Menorahs Made From Repurposed Plastic Toys

Lisa Pierce, an artist in Portland, Maine, has created a line of whimsical metallic animal Chanukah Menorahs made from repurposed plastic toys and metal candle holders. Each piece is made-to-order in different colors and comes with adorable names such as “Menorasaurus Rex,” “Menurtle,” and the hilarious “Menobster.” A menagerie of hand-crafted, made-to-order animal menorahs and … Read more